Wednesday, November 3, 2010

National Scenic Byways Program Announces FY 2011 Grant Intention Solicitation

The National Scenic Byways Program announces the soliciation of grant intent to apply forms for FY 2011 funding, to be submitted by 2 p.m. on January 12, 2011. Guidance and other important materials are available on the Byways Online website at .

Applicants should review these resources to ensure applications meet all submission requirements for the FY 2011 grant cycle. They are also asked to work closely with the byway organization that coordinates activities on the relevant byway. These organizations will rank and/or consolidate projects and can therefore have a large impact on the success of the application. In addition, all projects should reflect the priorities outlined in the corridor management plan that the respective byway organization has prepared.

Maryland's FY 2011 Funding Priorities:
  • Existing state byway desiring to prepare a corridor management plan (note a single corridor planning grant for multiple byways for the state is anticipated);
  • Projects that are intended to build strong regional partnerships among juridictions, heritage areas, or related state agencies to manage, interpret or market the byway and that are consistent with the Maryland Byawys Market Study; and
  • Projects that conserve or preserve vulnerable byway related resources through effective partnering with non-governmental organizations (e.g. land trusts, statewide or regional historic preservation organizations, etc.).
Additional priority will be given to those projects that have the greatest potential fo funding from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) based on the following:
  • Projects that demonstrate a value-added livability component in addition to its relationship to the byway and the byway traveler; and
  • Projects that demonstrate that they provide the greatest strategic benefit to the National Scenic Byway Project and/or Maryland's Scenic Byway Program.
A Typical Scenic Byway Funding Cycle - Step by Step:
Preliminary Statement of Interest Submitted by Sponsor January 12, 2011
Comments returned to sponsors/FHWA application available February 2011 (anticipated)
FHWA Applications Due to Maryland State Highway Admin. March 2011 (anticipated)
FHWA Grant Announcements and Funding Availability Fall 2011 (varies greatly)

Eligible applications with complete information will be reviewed by the Scenic Byways Advisory Committee. Applicants with high scoring applications will be notified to submit a final application, located at .